Here are video clips showing a range of experiences of students and teachers. As always, use the menu on the right-hand margin to jump directly to a topic of interest.
Study groups can be effective in a wide range of functions. Here are students reviewing a homework assignment.
Several study groups reviewing homework, sharing the wealth. Conversational learning deepens mastery for the students who are teaching and responds to the needs of those who are learning.
Study groups going over tests and quizzes provide powerful opportunities for conversational learning and training in self-directedness.
Here is an example of open work time in a physics class.
Conversational learning can take many forms besides working within permanent study groups. Ad hoc groups, "clock buddies", and other smaller groupings can be very effective means of sharing the wealth.
The inappropriate use of phones and tablets in class is an increasingly distracting problem. Here is one way to talk about it.
How to do homework consciously.
A discussion of the importance of conscious reading, and the role of metacognition in the learning process.
Here is a quiet talk about quieting down at the start of a class period and the nature of the transition from being in the teacher's classroom to being part of a community of learners.